
Cellulitis Infection Prevention: What You Need to Know

Facilitator: Patricia (Trish) Blinn-Clarke, MScOT, OT Reg. (Ont.), CDT, Occupational Therapist, Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Program, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

Cellulitis is a potentially dangerous skin infection. Lymphedema, axillary node dissection, and radiation can cause a higher risk of infection. Research shows that early prevention education greatly reduces your risk of cellulitis.

This presentation will cover:

  1. What is cellulitis and how does an infection happen.
  2. Why the risk can be higher following cancer treatments.
  3. Signs and symptoms of cellulitis.
  4. What to do if you think you have an infection.
  5. Evidence based strategies to prevent cellulitis. 6. Considerations for recurrent cellulitis

This presentation aims to empower you with the tools to keep your skin healthy and infection free.

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