Site Specific: Breast Cancer

Support (1)

Join a community of female breast cancer patients, led by an experienced professional, to explore the many challenges that breast cancer brings to your life.

Site Specific: Lymphoma

Lymphoma masthead

Join a community of lymphoma patients, led by an experienced professional, to explore the many challenges that lymphoma brings to your life.

Site Specific: Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian masthead

If you have been recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, or are facing a recurrence, get ovarian cancer specific support.

Indigenous Support

Indigenous Cancer Sharing Circle

If you are an Indigenous adult living with cancer or a caregiver, join this supportive monthly gathering.

Support Groups

Share stories and exchange information on the emotional, social, and practical challenges of cancer, with people in a similar situation.

Bereaved Support

Time to Talk

If you have lost a loved one to cancer, connect with a supportive and accepting community of like-minded individuals.

Writing and Storytelling

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Through writing, learn effective coping strategies to feel less anxious and isolated in your cancer journey.


Music Sampling

Explore the connection between music and your physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs.

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