6 Accessible Chair Yoga Poses after Cancer Surgery

October 18, 2024

Chair yoga is a gentle, more accessible form of yoga that can be done while seated or using a chair for balance. Chair yoga has many benefits, including improved quality of life, lower fatigue, improved cognition, stress reduction, improved sleep quality, improved emotional wellbeing, and pain relief. It’s also a great way to keep active after some cancer surgeries. (Always talk to your medical provider before undertaking any form of exercise after having surgery.)

Here are some simple poses you can do from the comfort of your home!

Watch this video to view a full Chair Yoga session.

Cat cow

Timing: (6:30-6:57)

Sit on the edge of your chair, send your hip bones forward, keep your knees bent at 90 degrees, and keep your feet hip-distance apart.

Cow pose: Rest your hands on your thighs. As you inhale, tilt your tailbone back and start to lift your heart and your gaze.


Cat post: As you exhale, gently round your spine and tuck your chin into your chest.


Repeat through several breaths.

Spinal twist

Timing: (8:38-9:40)

Bring your feet closer together (big toes to touch). Take your right hand to the outer edge of your left knee, bring your left hand back and gently twist while looking over your back shoulder. Continue with deep breaths in your twist.


Inhale and go back to the centre. Repeat on your opposite side.

Forward fold/pelvic floor stretch

Timing: (9:41-11:48)

Wiggle your legs wide apart. Your knees and toes should face out towards the corners of the room. From here, gently bow forward, taking your elbows to your inner thighs, and press your knees open. Continue deep breathing through this exercise.

To safely exit this exercise, gently place both hands on your thighs and press yourself up.


Hamstring stretch

Timing: (11:48-12:45)

Extend your right leg straight forward and flex your foot (toes flex back towards your shin). Your leg is mostly straight, but a micro-bend in the knee is fine. Inhale and reach towards the sky with both arms. On the exhale, bend forward and see what you can grab a hold of on your right leg (toes, ankle, shin – whatever feels most comfortable for you). Gently tuck your chin into your chest. Stay here for a few breaths, then slowly rise back up, bending the knee to 90 degrees. Repeat on the left leg.


Figure 4

Timing: (13:52-15:00)

Keep your left leg at a 90-degree angle. Take your right ankle to your left thigh. If this is not accessible, extend the left leg. Sit up nice and tall. Find length through your spine, inhale, and as you exhale, gently hinge forward. You should feel a nice sensation through your hip. Inhale, lift back up to extend your spine, and exhale, hinging forward again. Repeat for a few breaths.

Figure 4


Warrior progressions

Timing: (21:45-24:16)

Crescent lunge pose: Bring your right thigh parallel to the edge of your chair. See if you can slide your left leg back. The goal is to keep the left leg straight. However, if you need to keep a micro-bend, that’s fine. You should now be in the crescent lunge pose. Reach one or both arms up. Take a few deep breaths, then bring your arms back to the chair.


Warrior 2 pose: Turn your torso slightly open and lift your arms up into the warrior 2 pose. Gaze over your front fingertips. Stay in your warrior 2 pose for a few breaths.


Reverse warrior pose: Place your left hand on your left thigh. Slowly slide your hand down your left thigh while you lift your right arm. Lean back and gently look up.


Bring your hands back to the chair. Slowly pivot your back foot and bring your leg in. Now, switch sides to repeat these exercises on your other side.

Learn more about our yoga programs.

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