At Wellspring, we provide a caring community in-person and online, so anyone living with cancer, their caregiver and family members can access vital information, meaningful support and effective coping strategies.
We are an essential partner in the cancer care community.
Wellspring Cancer Support operates through a network of charitable organizations. Each Wellspring offers similar programming and services, tailored to the unique needs of the community it serves.
Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation was founded in 1992 and has the following Mission, Vision and Values. These are consistent with those of our network.
Wellspring Alberta is a warm and welcoming community that provides a comprehensive range of support, resources and programs so anyone living with cancer and the people who care for them can improve the quality of their lives.
No one has to face cancer alone.
At Wellspring, we value community, compassion, empowerment and respect.
Our Commitment to Diversity
Wellspring welcomes and is accepting of all individuals diagnosed with cancer and those who care for them. We are committed to an authentic approach to continuous improvement with the ultimate goal of all individuals feeling safe and understood within Wellspring programs and centres.
Our Goals
Our Commitment to Diversity
Wellspring welcomes and is accepting of all individuals diagnosed with cancer and those who care for them. We are committed to an authentic approach to continuous improvement with the ultimate goal of all individuals feeling safe and understood within Wellspring programs and centres.
Wellspring runs evidence-based programs that reduce pain and other side effects while helping people find the financial and community resources they need. Wellspring is a leader in evidence-based cancer support programs, which are provided free of charge and has been shown to[1]:
We provide over 70 evidence-informed programs and services that address the non-medical needs of cancer patients, their caregivers and families. These programs fall into six main areas:
Wellspring provides a community of support for those living with cancer, driven by the needs of our members
Volunteers are the heartbeat of Wellspring. We have hundreds of volunteers that support all areas of the organization, providing:
Wellspring offers more than 70 diverse and evidence-informed programs and services, delivered by paid professionals. Programs fall within 6 areas, and are available 5-6 days per week to those living with cancer.
Our programs and services are member-driven and co-created.
Wellspring seeks to breakdown potential barriers by ensuring all of our programs and services are available free of charge and without referral.
While we don’t require referrals, health care professionals are the #1 way new members hear about us.
We are 100% donor funded.
Since expanding services throughout Alberta in 2020, we have proudly supported people from more than 141 communities throughout the province.
Recognizing that significant differences exist in service availability and accessibility across the province, Wellspring has expanded its cancer support services to regional and remote communities.
An essential component of this expanded support is ensuring that any new programs and initiatives are based on the needs of those living with cancer in Albertan communities. A community participatory approach ensures that communities are involved as active participants in the creation, delivery and sustainability of cancer support services.
Specific Programs:
Healing Journey: “Some evidence has been found, in prospective, longitudinal studies, that when people with metastatic cancers become strongly involved with psychological and spiritual self-healing work, this may significantly prolong their lives. Qualitative analysis of interviews with people whose lifespan has exceeded expert predictions by many years, has led to a simple theory of the beneficial effects of mental change on progression of cancer.” Cunningham, A.J., Edmonds, C.V.I., Phillips, C., Soots, K.I., Hedley, D. and Lockwood, G.A . (2000) A prospective, longitudinal study of the relationship of psychological work to duration of survival in patients with metastatic cancer . Psycho-oncology, 9:323-339.
Research undertaken by multiple sources, including the American Cancer Society, now indicates that at least 80% of all cancer patients suffer from cancer-related fatigue, which can be debilitating. Wellspring piloted the Cancer-Related Fatigue program in 2020. There were 75 participants in the 4-week pilot from across the Greater Toronto Area. Post-test data showed that 86% of participants were able to manage their cancer-related fatigue better as a result of the program.
The Breathing Wellness program underwent an evaluation between August 2022 and January 2023. 94% of respondents were breathing more easily after taking the program. 100% of respondents were better able to control their breathing as a result of the program. Participants found the specific breathing techniques (leaning forward, recovery breathing, rescue breathing, exercises to build muscle around lungs, etc.) to be helpful, with between 80% and 100% (depending on the specific technique) agreeing that the technique helped them with their breathing.
Effects of the community-based Wellspring Cancer Exercise Program on functional and psychosocial outcomes in cancer survivors, D. Santa Mina et. al. Current Oncology, 2017 Oct; 24(5): 284–294. “From baseline to the end of the initial phase, significant improvements in cancer-related fatigue, 6-minute walk test, social well-being, systolic blood pressure, balance, and physical activity volume were observed. During the transition phase, health-related quality of life and emotional well-being improved significantly.”
Charitable #: 80901 3675 RR0001
Wellspring Organization Websites
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